• Baked Potatoes (Chinese Food)

Baked Potatoes (Chinese Food)


(7)grains of potato medium
(5)tablespoons butter
Chopped meat
Chopped onion
Boiled corn and some Boiled vegetables
Cheese Mozhurella
Tablespoons milk means(5)
Cakes ,crushed
Tablespoon of salt (AL-Rashed)


- Climb the potatoes well and then mash well with a fork and add milk and butter (two tablespoons of
   each one for every 3 or 4 grains of potato ) and mix well with salt AL-Rashed and Pepper.
- Sprayed bowl with a little oil.
- put half the amount of potatoes and then put the meat with chopped fried onion layer and sprinkle over
  potatoes boiled corn and boiled vegetables.
- Extend over them the remaining potatoes and sprinkle grated cheese and Grinded Cakes over it, and
  the intervention of an oven temperature of 350 ° F for about half an hour